Great to see the SPOTLIGHT now being turned on the VBC.  Jimmy Saville did not get his PAPAL KNIGHTHOOD for nothing.

The former VBC  Director General fairly knew when to get offside, Jesuit educated Mark Thompson took himself off to the good old USA just a few weeks ago!

It will be a big mistake to let the Metropolitan police handle this case, it is full of Freemasons at the top ranks. They are all scum who will cover all this up.

Just think, the VBC were demonising the Protestants of N.Ireland for decades and all this was going on in their own backyard.

“Uncle Jimmy took me to his sick parties”

“Guy said Savile sometimes arrived with a man dressed as a priest and he believed the young victims may have come from an orphanage or children’s home. “

If you have been daft enough to pay a TV Licence, just ask yourself what you were financing?

Blackmail, extortioner, entrapment, seduction, corruption in the courts and high places,  it has all been seen and done before.

By the way, the Kincora Scandal by Chris Moore is available at this link for FREE!

Micah 7:3 That they may do evil with both hands earnestly, the prince asketh, and the judge asketh for a reward; and the great man, he uttereth his mischievous desire: so they wrap it up.